ANGELO MATTIELLO is the brand of this Distinguished Toastmaster and Advanced Communicator who promotes his services to anyone who'd like to hire him as toastmaster or speaker to give a keynote presentation about a topic to any kind of public.
Since the principal "tool" of an orator is his voice, such as it also represents his character and presence, it was taken as the main concept to develop this work and represent in a visual way the speaker's voice.
In order to make an excelent usage of the voice in the art of oratory you have to employ the prosodical elements, which are: accent, rythm and pitch. That's why the logo uses different font weights to represent the accent of the words Angelo Mattiello; the isotype is the visual representation of the pitch and pronuntiation of the name; and also the pattern represents a combination of both, rythm and pitch, as used to go from a first idea to another one.
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